U3A on You and Yours (BBC Radio 4) Monday December 12th

The communication below was announced by the U3A last week. The program has already been broadcast, however the following link will take you directly to the BBC iPlayer where you can listen to the program.


Radio 4 – You and Yours on Monday

I am pleased to let you know that Eric Midwinter, one of our founders, has been asked to speak on the Radio 4 programme, “You and Yours” at lunchtime on Monday 12th December in recognition of achieving 1000 U3As. This was the programme where the U3A concept was first aired by Eric all those years ago in 1981.

I thought you may want to know in case you wish to tune in. Please let your members know too. Should you be unable to listen at that time it will be available in the episodes section of the You and Yours area of the BBC website http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006qps9

Regards from,
Sam Mauger,
Cheif Executive Officer,
The Third Age Trust.

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